April is Stress Awareness Month

3 Quick Tips to Reduce Stress this Month:

1) Get outside! It’s springtime and natural sunlight helps us make more serotonin, a brain hormone important for good mental health. Even a 10-minute walk on your lunch break will help.

2) Download a mindfulness or stress reduction app and use it for 5 minutes when you feel overwhelmed. Calm, iBreathe, and Headspace are all free!

3) Wake up early! Sounds crazy, but a recent study shows that waking up an hour earlier reduces your risk of depression by 23%. Using the morning to clear your mind and restfully enjoy a cup of coffee or tea is a much better start than frantically rushing out the door.


Let’s talk about Exercise and Pregnancy

Is exercise during pregnancy safe?
For almost all pregnant women exercise is safe and recommended. Experts agree that exercising most days of the week helps pregnant women achieve a healthy weight gain, reduces their risk of diabetes during pregnancy, and decreases the risk of postpartum depression. So, lots of great reasons to get moving.

Are there activities I should avoid?
Pregnant women should avoid heavy lifting above their heads as they are more prone to low back injury in pregnancy. Our joints and ligaments can loosen at the end of pregnancy so no significant jumping! Contact sports and hot yoga should be avoided as well. Most other forms of exercise can continue during pregnancy but it’s a good idea to ask an expert (your trainer or doctor) about specific exercises or modifications.

I was not active before pregnancy, is it ok to start now?
Yes! While it’s not a good time to start marathon training, it is perfectly fine for pregnant women who were not previously active to begin a low-impact exercise. Walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are all great choices for beginners.

How often should I exercise while pregnant?
Pregnant women should aim for the same amount of exercise as everyone else. 30 minutes on four or more days of the week.

Take Away?

Almost all pregnant women should aim to move their bodies for 30 minutes four or more days a week. Simply walking your dog or pushing your stroller around the neighborhood works, and spring is HERE so get moving!